On Wed, 2002-02-27 at 11:56, Ted Husted wrote:
> It originally came up in response to inquiries about how to enforce MVC.
> If all the JSPs are under WEB-INF, then the only possible way to get to
> them is through an action. Users can't just bookmark a JSP and pop into
> the middle of something. 
> Though, if you self-impose the recommended model of linking only to
> actions, the value of actually storing the pages under WEB-INF
> diminishes, since the address of the page is never directly exposed to
> the user. 

So Ted, one small gap in my Struts knowledge (in terms of
best-practices) is, what's the recommended way to build a pass-through
Action which really does just display a JSP page?

I have a "signup.jsp" form, which for the sake of this discussion, is
going to be underneath WEB-INF. I really don't need any processing in an
action to execute prior to displaying the form -- I just want to link to
the (empty) form. Since I can't link directly to it, I need some kind of
really shallow Action to get at it. How do you usually build this?


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