On Wed, 18 Jun 2008, Peter Willis wrote:

I just started using rpmforge and it's minimized the packaging I need to do by a great amount. However there are still some perl modules which I need that rpmforge does not provide, so i'd like to ask if they could be added to the list of maintained packages. The version numbers might not be the absolute latest, they are from the cpan modules list I downloaded 2 days ago but these versions should be plenty new enough for me. An example URL to prepend to the tarball paths: http://cpan.mirror.facebook.com/modules/by-authors/id/

I have a tool (dar-perl.py) that creates a SPEC file. I now have created SPEC files and packages for most of these modules:

Apache::AuthenNIS                  0.13  
Apache::AuthzNIS                   0.11  
Apache::SubProcess                 0.03  
Business::PayPal                   0.02  M/MO/MOCK/Business-PayPal-0.02.tar.gz
CLASS                              1.00  M/MS/MSCHWERN/CLASS-1.00.tar.gz
Config::INI::Simple                0.02  
GIFgraph                           1.20  M/MV/MVERB/GIFgraph-1.20.tar.gz
IniConf                            1.03  R/RB/RBOW/IniConf-1.03.tar.gz
Net::NIS                           0.43  E/ES/ESM/Net-NIS-0.43.tar.gz
Net::SFTP                          0.10  D/DB/DBROBINS/Net-SFTP-0.10.tar.gz
Net::SFTP::Foreign                 1.38  S/SA/SALVA/Net-SFTP-Foreign-1.38.tar.gz
Object::MultiType                  0.05  
Perl::Tidy                     20071205  S/SH/SHANCOCK/Perl-Tidy-20071205.tar.gz
Plagger                        0.007017  M/MI/MIYAGAWA/Plagger-0.7.17.tar.gz
Proc::PidUtil                      0.08  M/MI/MIKER/Proc-PidUtil-0.08.tar.gz
RTSP::Lite                          0.1  N/NA/NABESHIMA/RTSP-Lite-0.1.tar.gz
Template::Provider::Encoding       0.10  
Term::Encoding                     0.02  M/MI/MIYAGAWA/Term-Encoding-0.02.tar.gz
Term::Size                          0.2  T/TI/TIMPX/Term-Size-0.2.tar.gz
Term::Visual                       0.08  L/LU/LUNARTEAR/Term-Visual-0.08.tar.gz
Text::Tags                         0.04  G/GL/GLASSER/Text-Tags-0.04.tar.gz
WWW::Curl                          4.00  S/SZ/SZBALINT/WWW-Curl-4.00.tar.gz
XML::Feed                          0.12  B/BT/BTROTT/XML-Feed-0.12.tar.gz
XML::Smart                     1.006009  G/GM/GMPASSOS/XML-Smart-1.6.9.tar.gz

These are OK.

CPANPLUS                           0.84  K/KA/KANE/CPANPLUS-0.84.tar.gz

This one is a problematic one. CPANPLUS consists of a lot of modules that are provided independently, so in essence there should not be a need to have this one. We disabled it because offering CPANPLUS together with normal modules will have depsolvers pull CPANPLUS instead of the independent module packages. Unless I am mistaken, it should not be required ?

DBD::Oracle                        1.21  P/PY/PYTHIAN/DBD-Oracle-1.21.tar.gz

I need to build your other package first.

XML::RSS::LibXML                 0.3002  D/DM/DMAKI/XML-RSS-LibXML-0.3002.tar.gz

This one is a problem as it requires a newer perl-XML-LibXML than RHEL/CentOS ships. As it requires the XML::LibXML::XPathContext sub module. Not sure what I should do, add a newer XML::LibXML and expect everyone to have apt pinning or yum priorities installed.

Feedback welcomed :)
--   dag wieers,  [EMAIL PROTECTED],  http://dag.wieers.com/   --
[Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors]
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