Hi Cedric,

The Google servers made a change as of a day or two ago and no one's yet
worked out what url we should be using for auth now.

Unfortunately the bitbucket tracker for the plugin is offline due to spam
problems, but if you keep an eye on
https://github.com/tdryer/hangups/issues/260 that's probably the closest
way to see progress. (please refrain from any "me too" posts there though
as that's not the actual issue tracker for the Pidgin plugin)

If you had previously been using it successfully and still have access to
the old config, you could take the access/refresh token from the hangouts
section of the ~/.purple/accounts.xml file on the working install and paste
that into the accounts.xml file in the new install (while Pidgin isn't

Otherwise we'll have to wait until someone (or me) finds the new auth url
to use.


On 1/09/2016 05:42, "Cedric Bhihe" <cedric.bh...@gmail.com> wrote:

I have spent almost 6 hours trying to learn more on my issue with Hangouts.
It seems that quite a few users on the Google "Support" Forums, have the
same access token authorization problem with Google, when trying to enable
the Hangouts account from the Pidgin client.
Curiously, there is not a hint of a solution given anywhere, where I peeked.

After mining the web and reading on the API and the oAUth 2.0 credential
authorization protocol to receive an access code, I am left with very
little to go with. Repeatedly requesting an access code past the 25 refresh
token limit per account and per client has adverse effects. I could not
find out _what_ effects those were and how to circumvent them. I think I
have not gone beyond that limit just yet, but I am sure not going to
request one again, before being clear on what the problem is and how to
solve it...

Maybe someone will find the time to nudge me in the right direction.
For reference I am working from a clean Pidgin install after having flushed
it from my Ubuntu 14.04.4 Desktop, including the ~/.purple directory.

My other plugins are:
 - pidgin-twitter (does not appear to be functional as it does not show in
the account protocols' list ),
 - purple-skypeweb (works well),
 - telegram-Purple (works well).


Reminder of  exact error message on page: https://accounts.google.com/o/
"400. That's an error.

Error: invalid_scope.
Not authorized to request the scopes:
[ https://www.google.com/accounts/OAuthLogin]

Request Details

   - scope=https://www.google.com/accounts/OAuthLogin
   - response_type=code
   - redirect_uri=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob
   - client_id=936475272427.apps.googleusercontent.com

That's all we know."

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