Hi Eugene,

We were in touch with the ICQ developers in November about their new
protocol and they were organising some documentation for us about it.  The
last email we've had is from near the start of Nov though, so I've reached
back out to them to see if they've got anything available for us yet.

They had assured us that the OSCAR protocol wasn't going away any time soon
though, but they might have changed their minds about that.

Their new protocol, called WIM, is a JSON-over-HTTP/Websockets protocol
that I have some packet captures of (and that I intended to write a new
protocol plugin for) however I was waiting to see if there was any official
documentation before starting on a reverse-engineered plugin - it's always
nicer if there's some official docs to try and help make the protocol more
'stable' and less likely to break if we implement something that's likely
to change on the server side.


On Fri, 21 Dec 2018 at 10:06, Eugene Grosbein <eu...@grosbein.net> wrote:

> 21.12.2018 3:36, Илья Пирогов wrote:
> > I think that everything will be the same as it was in the situation with
> Facebook and Yahoo. Someone will make a new plugin that will need to be
> downloaded and installed additionally.
> I asked more specific questions. Basically, I'd like to know if Pidgin is
> ready or not.
> Can I recommend Pidging to my ICQ contacts not wishing to use official ICQ
> client as viable replacement
> in case their client of choice breaks next week?
> Or do I need to look for replacement at least for some period of time?
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