Hi Eugene,

Thanks for testing :)  There's obviously a few rough edges to the plugin
since it's only 24 hours old, sorry about the old messages appearing.
That's going to keep happening every time you connect to the account for

I don't think there'll be any way to fix receiving old ICQ client messages
- unless they also show up on web.icq.com ?  If it helps, the old ICQ
clients won't work after the end of the year anyway.

You can debug everything that's going on through the Pidgin debug log:
 from the Buddy List,  Help->Debug Window


On Sun, 23 Dec 2018 at 19:53, Eugene Grosbein <eu...@grosbein.net> wrote:

> On 23.12.2018 03:10, Eion Robb wrote:
> > Hi again,
> >
> > I've been working on a new ICQ protocol replacement at
> https://github.com/EionRobb/icyque
> > Currently it can just login and send/receive IM's, but work is ongoing
> to try to support other features.
> Hi!
> Thank you very much!
> I've built it successfully from source under FreeBSD 11.2 and testing it
> just now.
> It works at first glance with Pidgin 2.13.0 but there are two problems:
> 1) I started Pidgin without any accounts activated, created new account
> for ICQ (WIM) protocol
> and logged in successfully. Next moment I got dozen of incoming message
> windows:
> it seems there was one window per every contact that sent me a message in
> the past
> to this installation of Pidgin. Each window contained one last message
> from a contact,
> some of them dated several years ago. It took a while to close them all :-)
> 2) Outgoing messages get delivered just fine and are perfectly readable
> for both of ASCII and Cyrillic.
> Incoming messages from old official ICQ 2005 client do not come in at all.
> If I log out ICQ(WIM) account and get back to old bundled ICQ(OSCAR)
> account, the problem disappears.
> Is there a way to debug what's going on other than tcpdump? At protocol
> level.
> Can it write some debugging logs to a window, file or maybe syslog?
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