For more information about optional chaining read this docs:

Adrian Zubarev
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Am 8. Februar 2017 um 20:05:31, Adrian Zubarev 
( schrieb:

Swift does already have a great solution in such a scenario.

func handler() -> Result? {
  return callback?.result()
Does the trick. ;)

Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail

Am 8. Februar 2017 um 20:02:38, Maxim Veksler ( schrieb:

For example, assume that we're dealing with a callback of some form.

let callback: CallbackProtocol? = StructExampleCallback()

You could write inside you handler function:

func handler() -> Result? {
  return callback ?! callback.result() : nil

Which would return either nil, or the callback result. I don't think you can do 
it with ?? but then again guard is a valid solution for this specific use case.
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