> On Feb 8, 2017, at 4:48 PM, Jan Neumüller via swift-users 
> <swift-us...@swift.org> wrote:
> May I ask why with so many great open source forums that junk Discourse got 
> chosen? I'm very perplexed by this decision...

I’ve looked at a lot of forum software, and most of the open-source ones are 
pretty poor* in terms of UI and usability.
Discourse is very good as a web app, although its email integration doesn’t 
work that well IMHO, so it’s not really a direct replacement for a mailing list.
If I were proposing something, I’d propose groups.io <http://groups.io/>. 
(Which is also not open source, sorry.)


* I’m being diplomatic. Many of them are worse than poor. The word “wretched” 
comes to mind.
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