Hi Ted, 

Today I learned about https://esdiscuss.org/ <https://esdiscuss.org/> which is 
like an archiver viewer for disc...@mozilla.org pipermail mailing list 

All their code is at  https://github.com/esdiscuss 

This still preserves pipermail as the one source of truth but it allows better 
searching and visibility.

There is even a reply button which opens up a mail client presumably the 
correct headers. 


> On Feb 9, 2017, at 5:18 PM, Ted Kremenek via swift-users 
> <swift-us...@swift.org> wrote:
>> On Feb 9, 2017, at 4:09 PM, Matthew Johnson <matt...@anandabits.com 
>> <mailto:matt...@anandabits.com>> wrote:
>>> On Feb 9, 2017, at 6:04 PM, Ted Kremenek <kreme...@apple.com 
>>> <mailto:kreme...@apple.com>> wrote:
>>>> On Feb 9, 2017, at 3:52 PM, Ted Kremenek via swift-users 
>>>> <swift-us...@swift.org <mailto:swift-us...@swift.org>> wrote:
>>>>> I’ve been mostly silent in this conversation largely because I didn’t 
>>>>> realize it was leading up to a formal decision.  I wish it would have 
>>>>> followed the proposal process so it was clear to everyone that a decision 
>>>>> was being considered and this was our chance to offer input.  
>>>> FWIW, I am not ignoring this thread.  At some point there was diminishing 
>>>> signal on the thread, and it felt like the category of opinions that had 
>>>> been voiced had been vocalized on the thread.  Looping in swift-users into 
>>>> that thread would have been a good thing to do in hindsight so more people 
>>>> felt like they had a chance to participate.  Based on what I am seeing in 
>>>> reaction to this decision, however, I’m not seeing much new signal.
>>> Just to add to this point — new insights on this topic are welcome, and 
>>> will be paid attention to.  The decision to change to a forum is because 
>>> that was evaluated as being the best thing for the community, based on the 
>>> range of opinions provided and the tradeoffs made.  If there is something 
>>> important that was missed, obviously that is not going to be ignored.  We 
>>> want to do the right thing.  So far I still feel that moving to a forum 
>>> software is the right choice, but I’d like to do that in a way that allows 
>>> people to still participate effectively via email.
>> Is there any way to have a trial run so we can evaluate the email experience 
>> of using the forum software before we make the final switch?  I agree that 
>> this sounds like the right direction, but it’s hard to know what the email 
>> experience will really be like until we give it a try for a week or so.
> I need to formalize a plan, but yes I’d like to trial this somehow.  Nate 
> Cook created a staged installation of Discourse when the thread on 
> swift-evolution was happening and there was some useful telemetry out of that 
> experiment (such as how rich text email interacted with doing inline 
> replies).  Moving to Discourse (or some alternate forum software if we decide 
> Discourse is not a fit) would be a staged thing.  The main question to me is 
> how do we do a meaningful trial without actually doing the real discussions 
> in the forum (while the mailing lists are still running).
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