> Am 12.04.2017 um 14:56 schrieb Xiaodi Wu <xiaodi...@gmail.com>:
> Sure, but keep in mind you're ultimately presenting a long string to the 
> user. Chances are if it needs commenting to the reader of the code, it needs 
> commenting to the reader of the string (which could be code itself, whether a 
> SQL query or something else).

Good point.

> Can you give a use case where essentially you need two-tiered comments like 
> this?

Nope, just thought that Adrian’s idea seemed useful and not detrimental.

Actually I’m fine with or without comments.


> On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 07:47 Thorsten Seitz via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>> Am 12.04.2017 um 14:36 schrieb Ricardo Parada via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>>:
>> I don't think I would use that. I don't find the aesthetics pleasant. 
>> I would rather comment above the string literal. 
> It might be useful when many comments would be required where putting them in 
> a bunch above the literal would make it difficult to properly correlate them 
> with the respective pieces of the string.
>> Would the escape character cause the newline for the line to be ignored 
>> thereby continuing the string on the next line?
> Yes. The semantics of the backslash should not change, its presence just 
> opens the room for placing a comment.
> To get a newline you would have to write \n\
> let myString = "““
>     text text\n\ // comment
>     text text
>     ““"
> -Thorsten
>> On Apr 12, 2017, at 6:59 AM, Adrian Zubarev via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>>> One last pitch, can we allow comments in multi-line strings if the string 
>>> is broken up by a backslash?
>>> let myString = """
>>>     text text  
>>>     text text text \ // Comment allowed in the current line here, but not 
>>> in the line above it
>>>     text text text \ /* this type of comment is fine too */
>>>     text text\// notice whitespace can be ignored
>>>     """
>>> You might have some interpolation and want to comment around it.
>>> let foo = """
>>>     bar bar bar
>>>     bar \(x) bar\ // `x` does some magic
>>>     """
>>> -- 
>>> Adrian Zubarev
>>> Sent with Airmail
>>> Am 12. April 2017 um 12:48:57, Adrian Zubarev 
>>> (adrian.zuba...@devandartist.com <mailto:adrian.zuba...@devandartist.com>) 
>>> schrieb:
>>>> Actually I’m fine with such a compromise. Such a model has everything 
>>>> we’ve asked for, it’s easy, it has both leading and trailing precision and 
>>>> implicit new lines where needed.
>>>> -- 
>>>> Adrian Zubarev
>>>> Sent with Airmail
>>>> Am 12. April 2017 um 12:42:17, Vladimir.S via swift-evolution 
>>>> (swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>) schrieb:
>>>>> On 12.04.2017 13:16, Thorsten Seitz via swift-evolution wrote:
>>>>> >> Am 12.04.2017 um 10:11 schrieb Adrian Zubarev via swift-evolution
>>>>> >> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org> 
>>>>> >> <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>>>:
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> Great explanation thank you Brent. I’m convinced about the closing 
>>>>> >> delimiter now. =)
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> If I understood correctly what Xiaodi Wu meant in his reply, then we 
>>>>> >> could simplify
>>>>> >> the whole multi-line string literal and also remove the need of 
>>>>> >> disabling the
>>>>> >> stripping algorithm.
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> We should ban these examples completely:
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> |"""Hello·world!"""|
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Being able to use ""“ for single line strings containing lots of " is 
>>>>> > useful in
>>>>> > itself and explained in the motivational section of the proposal:
>>>>> > "Tripled string literals can also do double duty as a syntax for 
>>>>> > handling short
>>>>> > string literals with many internal quotation marks“
>>>>> >
>>>>> > -Thorsten
>>>>> Yes, I also think the single line string can be very useful and we should 
>>>>> not
>>>>> disallow it.
>>>>> But I agree that we should disallow multi-line cases when we have text on 
>>>>> the same
>>>>> line with leading or trailing """ because this complicates the mental 
>>>>> modal and adds
>>>>> confusion points.
>>>>> I.e. I suggest to allow only two forms:
>>>>> 1. Single line: """this is "just" text""" (no line end will be inserted)
>>>>> 2. Multiline, where leading and trailing """ has no text after/before 
>>>>> them and *all*
>>>>> the text is in lines *between* triple quotes:
>>>>> """
>>>>> first line
>>>>> second line
>>>>> """
>>>>> One can use backslash at the line end to emulate all other needed cases. 
>>>>> Like:
>>>>> """
>>>>> first line \
>>>>> second line\
>>>>> """
>>>>> will produce "first line second line"
>>>>> >
>>>>> >> |"""Hello↵ world!""" |
>>>>> >> |"""Hello↵ world!↵ """ |
>>>>> >> |"""↵ Hello↵ world!""" |
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> Instead an empty multi-line string literal would look like this:
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> |"""↵ """ |
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> To fix the above example you’d need to write it like this:
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> |"""↵ Hello·world!\↵ """ |
>>>>> >> |"""↵ Hello↵ world!\↵ """ |
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> * Each line in between the delimiters would add implicit new lines if 
>>>>> >> not
>>>>> >> disabled by a backslash.
>>>>> >> * The trailing precision is also handled by the backslash.
>>>>> >> * The indent is handled by the closing delimiter.
>>>>> >> * It’s easier to learn/teach.
>>>>> >> * It’s easier to read, because most of the time the line where the 
>>>>> >> starting
>>>>> >> delimiter is, is filled with some other code.
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> |let myString = """↵ ⇥ ⇥ Hello↵ ⇥ ⇥ world!\↵ ⇥ ⇥ """ |
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> Now that would be a true multi-line string literal which needs at 
>>>>> >> least two lines
>>>>> >> of code. If you’d need a single line literal,|""|is the obvious pick.
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> --
>>>>> >> Adrian Zubarev
>>>>> >> Sent with Airmail
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> Am 12. April 2017 um 02:32:33, Brent Royal-Gordon 
>>>>> >> (br...@architechies.com <mailto:br...@architechies.com>
>>>>> >> <mailto:br...@architechies.com <mailto:br...@architechies.com>>) 
>>>>> >> schrieb:
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>> On Apr 11, 2017, at 8:08 AM, Adrian Zubarev via swift-evolution
>>>>> >>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org> 
>>>>> >>>> <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org 
>>>>> >>>> <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>>> wrote:
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> That’s also the example that kept me thinking for a while.
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> Overall the proposal is a great compromise to some issues I had with 
>>>>> >>>> the first
>>>>> >>>> version. However I have a few more questions:
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> * Why can’t we make it consistent and let the compiler add a new 
>>>>> >>>> line after the
>>>>> >>>> starting delimiter.
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> |
>>>>> let string = """↵ Swift↵ """ // result ↵Swift↵ |
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> If one would would the behavior from the proposal it’s really easy 
>>>>> >>>> to add a
>>>>> >>>> backslash after the starting delimiter.
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> |
>>>>> let string = """\↵ Swift\↵ """ // result Swift |
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> This would be consistent and less confusing to learn.
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>> That would mean that code like this:
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> print("""
>>>>> >>> A whole bunch of
>>>>> >>> multiline text
>>>>> >>> """)
>>>>> >>> print("""
>>>>> >>> A whole bunch more
>>>>> >>> multiline text
>>>>> >>> """)
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> Will print (with - to indicate blank lines):
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> -
>>>>> >>> A whole bunch of
>>>>> >>> multiline text
>>>>> >>> -
>>>>> >>> -
>>>>> >>> A whole bunch more
>>>>> >>> multiline text
>>>>> >>> -
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> This is, to a first approximation, never what you actually want the 
>>>>> >>> computer to do.
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> * Can’t we make the indent algorithm work like this instead?
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> |let string = """\↵ ····<tag>↵ ······content text↵ ····</tag>""" // 
>>>>> >>>> Indent starts
>>>>> >>>> with the first non space character // result <tag>↵ ··content text↵ 
>>>>> >>>> </tag> |
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> The line where the closing delimiter is trims all space chapters and 
>>>>> >>>> the indent
>>>>> >>>> for the whole multi-line string is starting at the point where the 
>>>>> >>>> first
>>>>> >>>> non-space chapters is in that line.
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>> We could; I discuss that briefly in the very last section, on 
>>>>> >>> alternatives to the
>>>>> >>> indentation stripping we specify:
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> • Stripping indentation to match the depth of the least indented 
>>>>> >>> line: Instead of
>>>>> >>> removing indentation to match the end delimiter, you remove 
>>>>> >>> indentation to match
>>>>> >>> the least indented line of the string itself. The issue here is that, 
>>>>> >>> if all lines
>>>>> >>> in a string should be indented, you can't use indentation stripping. 
>>>>> >>> Ruby 2.3 does
>>>>> >>> this with its heredocs, and Python's dedent function also implements 
>>>>> >>> this behavior.
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> That doesn't quite capture the entire breadth of the problem with 
>>>>> >>> this algorithm,
>>>>> >>> though. What you'd like to do is say, "all of these lines are 
>>>>> >>> indented four
>>>>> >>> columns, so we should remove four columns of indentation from each 
>>>>> >>> line". But you
>>>>> >>> don't have columns; you have tabs and spaces, and they're 
>>>>> >>> incomparable because the
>>>>> >>> compiler can't know what tab stops you set. So we'd end up 
>>>>> >>> calculating a common
>>>>> >>> prefix of whitespace for all lines and removing that. But that means, 
>>>>> >>> when someone
>>>>> >>> mixes tabs and spaces accidentally, you end up stripping an amount of 
>>>>> >>> indentation
>>>>> >>> that is unrelated to anything visible in your code. We could perhaps 
>>>>> >>> emit a
>>>>> >>> warning in some suspicious circumstances (like "every line has 
>>>>> >>> whitespace just
>>>>> >>> past the end of indentation, but some use tabs and others use 
>>>>> >>> spaces"), but if we
>>>>> >>> do, we can't know which one is supposed to be correct. With the 
>>>>> >>> proposed design,
>>>>> >>> we know what's correct—the last line—and any deviation from it can be 
>>>>> >>> flagged *at
>>>>> >>> the particular line which doesn't match our expectation*.
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> Even without the tabs and spaces issue, consider the case where you 
>>>>> >>> accidentally
>>>>> >>> don't indent a line far enough. With your algorithm, that's 
>>>>> >>> indistinguishable from
>>>>> >>> wanting the other lines to be indented more than that one, so we 
>>>>> >>> generate a result
>>>>> >>> you don't want and we don't (can't!) emit a warning to point out the 
>>>>> >>> mistake. With
>>>>> >>> the proposed algorithm, we can notice there's an error and point to 
>>>>> >>> the line at fault.
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> Having the closing delimiter always be on its own line and using it 
>>>>> >>> to decide how
>>>>> >>> much whitespace to strip is better because it gives the compiler a 
>>>>> >>> firm baseline
>>>>> >>> to work from. That means it can tell you what's wrong and where, 
>>>>> >>> instead of doing
>>>>> >>> the dumb computer thing and computing a result that's technically 
>>>>> >>> correct but useless.
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> PS: If we’d get this feature in Swift, it would be nice if Xcode and 
>>>>> >>>> other IDEs
>>>>> >>>> which supports Swift could show space characters that are inside a 
>>>>> >>>> string literal
>>>>> >>>> (not other space character <- which is already supported), so it 
>>>>> >>>> would be easier
>>>>> >>>> to tell what’s part of the string and what is not.
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>> That would be very nice indeed. The prototype's tokenizer simply 
>>>>> >>> concatenates
>>>>> >>> together and computes the string literal's contents after whitespace 
>>>>> >>> stripping,
>>>>> >>> but in principle, I think it could probably preserve enough 
>>>>> >>> information to tell
>>>>> >>> SourceKit where the indentation ends and the literal content begins. 
>>>>> >>> (The
>>>>> >>> prototype is John's department, though, not mine.) Xcode would then 
>>>>> >>> have to do
>>>>> >>> something with that information, though, and swift-evolution can't 
>>>>> >>> make the Xcode
>>>>> >>> team do so. But I'd love to see a faint reddish background behind 
>>>>> >>> tripled string
>>>>> >>> literal content or a vertical line at the indentation boundary.
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> In the meantime, this design *does* provide an unambiguous indicator 
>>>>> >>> of how much
>>>>> >>> whitespace will be trimmed: however much is to the left of the 
>>>>> >>> closing delimiter.
>>>>> >>> You just have to imagine the line extending upwards from there. I 
>>>>> >>> think that's an
>>>>> >>> important thing to have.
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> --
>>>>> >>> Brent Royal-Gordon
>>>>> >>> Architechies
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>
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