> On Apr 12, 2017, at 5:59 AM, Tony Allevato via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> I also would oppose comments inside multi-line strings because one place I 
> imagine using it is in Swift code generation and I also want to generate 
> comments, and it seems pointless to have to escape those.

I actually think embedded comments would be super-cool and really useful. We 
have them for regular expressions in Perl 5 (I actually obliquely referenced 
the "/x" modifier used to enable them in this proposal) and they're really 
handy there.

But I think they would need to be an opt-in feature, because you won't usually 
want them, and I think they would be much more complicated to add than the rest 
of what we're proposing. (Remember, we need to tell Xcode where our comments 
are--what will it do if it's told there's a comment in the middle of a string 
literal?) So I think we're better off leaving that feature for later.

Brent Royal-Gordon

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