I agree with Adrian that trailing whitespace which is not followed by a 
backslash should be stripped, because it is not visible otherwise (unlike in a 
normal string).


> Am 13.04.2017 um 15:32 schrieb Adrian Zubarev via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org>:
> Theoretically that would be enough and lightweight solution to that problem, 
> I could live with that. Optimally stripping them automatically would be 
> ideal, however I cannot tell how complicated this might be to implement.
> A warning that will popup when you included any trailing spaces in a ‘content 
> line’ without the explicit backslash could also provide a fix-it to the user 
> to remove these spaces. However if you can emit that warning and calculate 
> the spaces to remove, than the compiler should be able to swallow these 
> characters by default right?
> let s1 = """↵
> ····content·····⇥···⇥··⇥····↵
> ····""""
> s1 == "content" // => true
> The warning itself could bite with Xcode, it depends on who’s faster to 
> precede that problem. Either Xcode will strip them for you (but designing the 
> literal we should not rely on that), or the compiler will emit the warning 
> followed by Xcode which will strip them, which removes the warning. This 
> would be kind of silly right?
> -- 
> Adrian Zubarev
> Sent with Airmail
> Am 13. April 2017 um 15:10:36, John Holdsworth (m...@johnholdsworth.com 
> <mailto:m...@johnholdsworth.com>) schrieb:
>> Hi Adrian,
>> Would you settle for a warning for trailing whitespace in a literal?
>> Removing it is a bit fiddly to implement and I’m not sure it’s a feature.
>> John
>>> On 13 Apr 2017, at 14:05, Adrian Zubarev via swift-evolution 
>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>>> That would be so wrong, because it’s not obvious to anyone how long your 
>>> string will be.
>>> """
>>> foo
>>> """
>>> I could tell you, that the string from above could have 10k characters, 
>>> even if you wouldn’t believe me, as it was proposed (and included in 
>>> yesterday’s toolchain) my claim can be true.
>>> The trailing spaces needs to be stripped by the algorithm unless there is 
>>> an explicit precision annotation with a backslash!
>>> """
>>> foo   \
>>> """
>>> That example definitely won’t have 10k characters.
>>> -- 
>>> Adrian Zubarev
>>> Sent with Airmail
>>> Am 13. April 2017 um 14:35:59, Ricardo Parada (rpar...@mac.com 
>>> <mailto:rpar...@mac.com>) schrieb:
>>>> Trailing whitespace 
>>>> You also propose to remove trailing white space in each line unless the 
>>>> whitespace is followed by a backslash.   For example:
>>>> let str_2 = """↵    
>>>> foo··↵
>>>> """
>>>> The two trailing whitespaces after foo would get removed according to what 
>>>> you are proposing. I don't like this rule. I think we are better off with 
>>>> leaving it alone and to the tools as Brent suggested. 
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