On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 8:12 PM, David Herrmann <dh.herrm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> As of today we've disabled git-push to fd.o. The official development
> git repository is now at github [1]. The old repository will still be
> back-synced, but we had to disable push-access to avoid getting
> out-of-sync with github.
> In recent months, keeping up with the mailing-list has become more and
> more cumbersome, with many of us missing mails or unable to keep up
> with the traffic. To make sure all community requests and patches will
> get handled in time, we're now trying out the github infrastructure.
> We encourage everyone in the development community to switch over now,
> even though the old fd.o infrastructure will still be maintained.
> Distributions are free to wait until the next release announcement
> before updating anything.
> If github does not work out, we will see what else we can try out. But
> lets give it at least a try.

About applying patches, do we still rebase on top of master, or do we
start to merge pull requests from the github interface?

> Thanks
> David
> [1] https://github.com/systemd-devs/systemd
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