On 2018-11-06 11:12, Frederik Ramm wrote:
It sounds like a good idea to wait until the change is done - or
actually, perhaps it would not hurt if I simply implement the future
boundaries on the download server right now. Which of the provinces are
due to change?

Zuid-Holland & Utrecht.

The municipality boundaries (admin_level=8) of Leerdam (0545) & Zederik (0707) are moving from Zuid-Holland to Utrecht. These municipalities along with Vianen (0620) will be merged into the new municipality Vijfheerenlanden (1961).


https://www.cbs.nl/nl-nl/onze-diensten/methoden/classificaties/overig/gemeentelijke-indelingen-per-jaar/indeling%20per%20jaar/gemeentelijke-indeling-op-1-januari-2019 https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gemeentelijke_herindelingen_in_Nederland#Herindeling_1_januari_2019

Kind Regards,


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