On 07/15/18 02:15, Amar wrote:
>> On 15 Jul 18, at 2:32 PM, Colin Percival <cperc...@tarsnap.com
>> <mailto:cperc...@tarsnap.com>> wrote:
>> On 07/15/18 01:42, Amar wrote:
>>> It worked flawlessly till June 14 and after that it just stopped running.
>>> I opened it on July 8 and ran the backup manually - an archive was created
>>> successfully.
>>> Checked the scheduled job and it was still in place.
>> When you say "scheduled job", do you mean in tarsnap-gui, or do you mean
>> the setting in launchd which runs tarsnap-gui periodically?
> tarsnap-gui.
> When I ran “sudo launchctl list” I didn’t find anything in the output with
> “tarsnap” in its name.
> But when I clicked on “Enable Job Scheduling” the pop said it’s already 
> scheduled.

I'm afraid that I've never used launchd so I'm not entirely sure what's going
on here... but is there a file ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.tarsnap.gui.plist
under your home directory?

And does `launchctl list` show anything without the "sudo" part?

Colin Percival
Security Officer Emeritus, FreeBSD | The power to serve
Founder, Tarsnap | www.tarsnap.com | Online backups for the truly paranoid

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