Hi Larry, it triggered the job and an archive was created successfully.

> On 21 Jul 18, at 3:30 PM, Larry Hynes <la...@larryhynes.com> wrote:
> Amar <a...@mailbox.org> wrote:
>> "ls -l /usr/local/opt/tarsnap-gui” returns:
>>> lrwxr-xr-x  1 amar  admin    27B Jun 15 09:26 /usr/local/opt/tarsnap-gui -> 
>>> ../Cellar/tarsnap-gui/1.0.1
> Ah, OK. That's probably good, though I'm surprised that's not the
> path used in the .plist.
> (I'm stomping around in Graham and Colin's territory here, just
> trying to figure out why your job is running; I'm sure they'll be
> back with specific tarsnap-gui-related fixes before I manage to do
> too much damage. ;->)
>> "/Users/amar/Library/Logs/tarsnap-gui.log" seems to have been last edited 
>> was on June 14.
>> Some snippets:
>>> Next daily:  Fri Jun 15 2018
>> …
>>> unknown(0): Next monthly:  Sun Jul 1 2018
>> …
>>> Task {xx-xxx-xxx-xxx} started:
>> …
>>> Task {xx-xxx-xxx-xxx} finished with exit code 0:
>> These are the last lines pretty much except for some log out that lists what 
>> directories are being backed up and archive sizes summary. I can share more 
>> from this file if needed.
>> I checked launch control and now after I changes the version in path from 
>> 1.0 to 1.0.1 it doesn’t show any error in that field or any field (earlier 
>> it was; something like “file not found”) but the entry still shows “Error 
>> 78” which on googling I found means “not implemented”.
> Hrm. I wonder what's 'not implemented'. Although error messages
> sometimes have nothing whatsoever to do with reality. (I found two
> things a little bit odd in your .plist: 1. the 'working directory'
> entry and 2. the lack of a 'Program' entry.)
> At a very simple level, if you cd into
> /usr/local/Cellar/tarsnap-gui/1.0.1/Tarsnap.app/Contents/MacOS/
> and run
> /Tarsnap --jobs
> what happens? (This command, to my eyes, is what the launchd job
> is attempting to run.)
> And at this point I think I should probably step away and let The
> Brothers Percival resume their deliberations!
> Best of luck with it.
>> Regards.
>>> On 20 Jul 18, at 3:56 PM, Larry Hynes <la...@larryhynes.com> wrote:
>>> Amar <a...@mailbox.org <mailto:a...@mailbox.org>> wrote:
>>>>> On 18 Jul 18, at 6:26 AM, Colin Percival <cperc...@tarsnap.com> wrote:
>>>>> but is there a file ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.tarsnap.gui.plist
>>>>> under your home directory?
>>>> Yes, it is there. Here’s the content:
>>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>>>> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" 
>>>> "http://wwwapple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd";>
>>>> <!-- Tarsnap GUI launchd script for running Tarsnap scheduled Jobs every
>>>>    day at 10AM. Copy to appropriate path and load with:
>>>>    $launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.tarsnap.gui.plist
>>>> -->
>>>> <plist version="1.0">
>>>> <dict>
>>>>   <key>Label</key>
>>>>   <string>com.tarsnap.gui</string>
>>>>   <key>ProgramArguments</key>
>>>>   <array>
>>>> <string>/usr/local/Cellar/tarsnap-gui/1.0/Tarsnap.app/Contents/MacOS/Tarsnap</string>
>>>>       <string>--jobs</string>
>>>>   </array>
>>>>   <key>StartCalendarInterval</key>
>>>>   <dict>
>>>>       <key>Hour</key>
>>>>       <integer>10</integer>
>>>>       <key>Minute</key>
>>>>       <integer>0</integer>
>>>>   </dict>
>>>>   <key>WorkingDirectory</key>
>>>>   <string>/Users/amar/Downloads/</string>
>>>>   <key>StandardOutPath</key>
>>>>   <string>/Users/amar/Library/Logs/tarsnap-gui.log</string>
>>>>   <key>StandardErrorPath</key>
>>>>   <string>/Users/amar/Library/Logs/tarsnap-gui.log</string>
>>>> </dict>
>>>> </plist>
>>> launchd is no fun. :(
>>> Can you check the file at
>>> /Users/amar/Library/Logs/tarsnap-gui.log
>>> and see if there are any clues?
>>> And, as per previous mail, can you please use something like Launch
>>> Control app to confirm that the tarsnap-gui job is both 'loaded'
>>> *and* 'enabled'? (launchd distinguishes between loaded and enabled,
>>> and I think jobs need to be both.)
>>> A graphical interface to launchd should also allow you to 'run' the
>>> job, and it will report any errors, or log them to the log file, above.

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