--- Begin Message --- I pick up this thread of mine again from 7th march of this year (wireshark extension for a Kernel Module (like Usbmon)​ ) enhanced with a configure issue, which was discussed lot of times ( tcpdump configure script doesn't correctly handle static builds ). But Im not sure, if this is a real issue for github.

In my case, I was able to build Tcpdump with these steps:

Get libpcap with git, step into the directory invoke: ./configure --disable-dbus --without-dbus --without-dpdk --disable-rdma

then make and make install.

Then I opened the tcpdump.zip archive within the libpcap directory. step into the directory, call ./configure and it build. success!

Then I took my changes for libpcap from march, a pcap-kpnode.c and pcap-kpnode.h (attached)

further I added into pcap.c:

100: #include "pcap-kpnode.h"

690: {kpnode_findalldevs, kpnode_create }

and in Makefile.in I added my sourcefiles

after that, I evoked make clean and the configure call again like that one before with all these switches. Then make and make install. The library was successfully build, also with my changes. Then I unzipped the tcpdump archive again to start from scratch and this time ./configure leads to that error message about no pcap_loop support. I added the config.log as well.

/usr/local/bin/pcap-config --static --libs  puts out -L/usr/local/lib -lpcap

As expected my build environment is a Debian unstable system, before that I tried it on a Pine64 board with Armbian 22.05.3 Bullseye

What could be the problem here? I have some changes for tcpdump for processing my kpnode packages, but I did not apply them for now. Because the tcpdump from upstream was not able to configure, even without my changes.

Thanks in advance

BR Christian

--- End Message ---
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