Now that we have system-upgrade instead of fedup, I don't think we need to 
split every single upgrade test case between bios and uefi, as we have it right 

The difference is that fedup created its own upgrade environment, a new boot 
menu, a special initrd, contained a lot of systemd-related hacks. 
System-upgrade uses the standard "offline upgrade" environment, so if offline 
upgrades ever worked for you, there should be no difference. It doesn't create 
its own boot menu, it doesn't have a separate initrd. It uses the standard way 
of booting your system - if your system boots, the upgrade process should boot 
as well :) Likewise for adding a new boot entries during the upgrade - if 
kernel updates work well for you, there should be no problem adding a new 
kernel entry during upgrade, it's the same operation.

So, I'd like to save some unnecessary work and merge "x86_64 BIOS" and "x86_64 
UEFI" columns into "x86_64" column in that wiki matrix.

I'd also like to add two new test cases:

This will only serve as a way to track that we have tested both environments, 
but it no longer matters which product was used to perform the testing, and 
also we no longer need to test all combinations. So, if you tested workstation 
on bios, you can fill out two test cases immediately (_workstation and _bios). 
If you tested minimal on uefi, the same applies.

I think it's valuable to keep bios vs uefi differentiation in the table at 
least in the form of these two additional test cases, because it's still a 
system upgrade, and there are some critical components which can break (like a 
new major release of efibootmgr or grub). We should make sure we've tested both 
variants. But this way, it adds virtually no extra work (compared to testing 
all combinations of it) and still gives us almost the same test value.


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