Namaste Raji sir,

Tiddlywiki has already made inroads into some Indian languages like
Punjabi and Hindi. Possibly others too.
There is already a Tiddlywiki in Punjabi on tiddlyspot [1] which
intends to make punjabi learning tutorials available to english
speaking learners. These are based upon grammer-teaching method. The
document is still under construction.
Another TW [2] although mainly in english would have Sikh gurus'
verses as main reference points, hence would have a lot of punjabi
again.This document, again, is still under construction.
Tiddlywiki has entered Hindi world too. I personally know a Hindi
Lecturer in Chandigarh, who on my suggestion started using Tiddlywiki
for her personal writing(offline). Since I am not on active contact
with her and since she was still a newcomer to internet (this was last
year), I am sure nobody yet taught her the technicals of tiddlyspot or
tiddlyspace hosting.

Tiddlywiki is also known to some other south Indian users (I cant find
the thread in which this came up).

Tiddlywiki world welcomes Malayalam, the rich south Indian language.


On Oct 26, 10:45 pm, Raji Chandrasekhar <>
> I am a teacher in a Government secondary School, of Kerala, India. I
> created the space
> rajichandrasekhar<<>> in our
> regional language Malayalam for publishing and distributing my
> Malayalam poems among the readers of Malayalam poetry throughout the
> world freely.
> I have a blog rahasyalokam<<>>, but
> after finding tiddlyspace<<>> I realized that
> this is my exact media to work with.
> In the starting I used the default theme, later I got the tbthemefull
> <<>> created by Tobias Beer<<http://
>>>. He helped me to modify
> rajichandrasekhar<<>>.
> I invite all of you to visit my space, rajichandrasekhar<<<<http://
>>>.>> (may be the first tiddlyspace
> in an Indian language) and give me your valuable suggestions to make
> it a most feature-full space.
> Thanking You with Great Gratitude,
> Raji Chandrasekhar

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