Hi all,

We have problem with our MIB510, and I think it is not matter of syntax in writing the command in the bash shell. We will appreciate if somebody has suggestions.

We have a MICA mote kit (the professional one) consisting of a programmer MIB510 and some motes (mica2 and mica2dot). We use an usb-to-serial bridge or RS232 cable to connect the pc to the programmer.

We have done all the staff needed in order to start uploading applications to the motes and using "mote-view" to test a network and it's ok.

We uploaded some applications to the motes and used "mote-view" to take and display the data, and all worked fine. Afterwards, We tried to upload another application to a mica2 without changing any settings, by simply typing 'make mica2 install' (in the cygwin bash shell) and after successful compilation there was a message like:
'[EMAIL PROTECTED] /opt/tinyos-1.x/contrib/xbow/apps/cnttoledsandrfm

$ make mica2 install

mkdir -p build/mica2 compiling CntToLedsAndRfm to a mica2 binary ncc -o build/mica2/main.exe -Os -I%T/lib/Counters -I%T/../contrib/xbow/tos/platf rm/mica2 -I%T/../contrib/xbow/tos/AXStack/mica2 -finline-limit=100000 Wall -Ws hadow -DDEF_TOS_AM_GROUP=0x88 -Wnesc-all -target=mica2 fnesc-cfile=build/mica2/app.c -board=micasb - DCC1K_DEFAULT_FREQ=RADIO_916BAND_CHANNEL_00-DRADIO_XMIT_POWER=0x5F -DCC2420_TXPOWER=0x1F -DCC2420_DEF_CHANNEL=26 -I%T/lib/Deluge-DIDENT_PROGRAM_NAME=\"CntToLedsAndRfm\" -DIDENT_USER_ID=\"admin\"-DIDENT_HOSTNAME=\"adhok\" -DIDENT_USER_HASH=0xecd2ee4aL -DIDENT_UNIX_TIME=0x447acde1L-DIDENT_UID_HASH=0x5c59a94eL CntToLedsAndRfm.nc -lm

compiled CntToLedsAndRfm to build/mica2/main.exe

11924 bytes in ROM

448 bytes in RAM

avr-objcopy --output-target=srec build/mica2/main.exe build/mica2/main.srecavr-objcopy --output-target=ihex build/mica2/main.exe build/mica2/main.ihex

writing TOS imagecp build/mica2/main.srec build/mica2/main.srec.out

installing mica2 binary using mib510

uisp -dprog=mib510 -dserial=/dev/ttys3 --wr_fuse_h=0xd8 -dpart=ATmega128--wr_fuse_e=ff --erase --upload if=build/mica2/main.srec.out

Programmer is not responding.

make: *** [program] Error 2'


The programmer with one mica2 as a base station, however, still works. We can take data from the programmer with a mica2 attached to it programmed with TOSbase application. So, the serial connection at least in one direction from programmer to PC still works.

We tried any syntax and everything we could imagine, but the programmer is still not responding.

We suppose some hardware problem. If somebody has experienced with such problem we will appreciate any shared information.
Thank you all,
Tsenka Stoyanova, PhD student
Applied Electronics Laboratory (APEL)
University of Patras
26500 Rion-Patras
Phone: +302610997312
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