
I had a similar problem: the programmer did not respond although TOSBase could receive and send message from and to the pc/network
However, the motes could not be reprogrammed. I identified the problem: the motes were not getting enough power to program them. There was something wrong with the external power connector/supplier.
Maybe you should look in this direction?


On 6/5/06, Tsenka Stoyanova < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all,

Thank you, for the answers.

We did many things including: different commands including
"MIB510=/dev/ttyS0 make mica2 install" and ". mib510,/dev/ttyS3", switching
the button in ON position, testing with serial RS232 cable instead of
USB-to-RS232, testing with 4 different motes, etc.

Finally we borrow from another laboratory the same programmer, for an hour,
and it worked with all our settings, cables, motes, and commands.

So, the problem seems to be on the board, probably the ISP cannot take
control over the serial port and the processor could not respond, or the
problem is with MAX232 buffer. We are still wondering and we are not so
brave to touch the hardware to not break it completely, actually it works as
a base station to send data to the PC.

Any other suggestions, please.

Tank you all
Tsenka Stoyanova, PhD student
Applied Electronics Laboratory (APEL)
University of Patras
26500 Rion-Patras
Phone: +302610997312

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