At 02:25 PM 7/3/2001, you wrote:
> > Not really. You either use tools and standards that other people
> > before have developed, and agree to their terms and give them
> > due credit where appropriate, or re-invent the wheel all over
> > again. That's not sad at all, that's fair trade. How would you like
> > it if a "customer" (maybe I'm alone in this but I've never worked for
> > a company that paid Sun a dime for the JDK itself) came up to you
> > and said "I want to redistribute your product and not only that I
> > want you to re-engineer it so that it works to MY specifications, and
> > if you bill me I'm going to tell you to get lost."
>I work for a US Defense contractor and we do this sort of "here's what we want
>your product to do" thing all the time.

I've never heard of a defense contractor that was giving
away their product.

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