The conf/auto/mod_jk.conf isn't "auto-generated" in Tomcat 3.3.
It is generated on demand by including "jkconf" as a startup
argument.  Did you execute "bin/ jkconf"?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Namrata Kasthuri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 6:03 PM
> Subject: trouble with apache 1.3.22 and tomcat 3.3 on redhat 7.0
> Hello,
> I am trying to integrate apache 1.3.22 with tomcat
> 3.3.
> Here's a summary of what I've done
> 1.  intalled apache binaries and it runs fine
> standalone
> 2.  installed tomcat binaries alone and it runs fine
> standalone
> 3.  downloaded the module and placed it in
> apache's libext directory
> 4.  modifed the tomcat server.xml file to include  
> <ApacheConfig /> so that the mod_jk.conf file gets
> auto-generated  (any specific place it should go?)
> 5.  modified apache's httpd.conf file to include the
> above auto-generated file (last line of file)
> 6.  then I restarted both tomcat and apache and apache
> doesn't start.  it says httpd could not start because
> there is an error in the autoconfig file...that
> something is mispelled or defined by a module that is
> not included in the server configuration.
> Can someone please tell me what I have missed or done
> incorrectly, as I am new to all of these
> technologies.....also, once working, how can I make
> sure that tomcat is only being used as the servlet
> container?
> Thanks
> Namrata
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