
Not sure if anyone might find this useful, but I compiled my own Tomcat 3.3
RPMs for RedHat 7.2 that depend on the IBMJava2-SDK RPM from IBM.  I
recognize that there are "official" Tomcat RPMS that can be downloaded from
the Jakarta web site, and I've used the 3.2 ones for a long time in several
production environments.  I admire Henri Gomez's ability to produce great
RPMS; the reason I made my own were:

1.  I wanted the directory structure to mirror the "binary" distribution a
little more closely.  It makes understanding the documentation a little
easier.  I'm (slowly) getting used to the filesystem standard (FHS), but I'm
not sold on it for 100% of things that are out there.

2.  The RPM is built from the binary distribution.  I didn't care about how
to build tomcat 3.3 per se; I just wanted a script (via RPM) that documented
what files needed configuration, etc.  Basically, given the binary
distribution, what do you have to do to get it installed?

3.  My RPM doesn't mangle /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf in any way.  Instead
I provide "mod_jk.conf" that can be included within httpd.conf when the user
wants to.  I also tried to document some things in my sample mod_jk.conf
file.  The example also illustrates how to serve static content from apache
and dynamic content from tomcat (using the /examples context).

4.  I needed a more flexible startup script (rc file) that could be
customized to support more JVMs (Tomcat workers).

I've only tested with RedHat 7.1 and 7.2 with the IBM SDK.  If they're of any
use to anyone--great!  If not, please continue to use the RPMs available on
the jakarta site--they're great too.

Stuff can be downloaded from:


Greg Bailey

> Subject: trouble with apache 1.3.22 and tomcat 3.3 on redhat 7.0
> Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 16:02:35 -0700
> From: Namrata Kasthuri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello,
> I am trying to integrate apache 1.3.22 with tomcat
> 3.3.
> Here's a summary of what I've done
> 1.  intalled apache binaries and it runs fine
> standalone
> 2.  installed tomcat binaries alone and it runs fine
> standalone
> 3.  downloaded the mod_jk.so module and placed it in
> apache's libext directory
> 4.  modifed the tomcat server.xml file to include
> <ApacheConfig /> so that the mod_jk.conf file gets
> auto-generated  (any specific place it should go?)
> 5.  modified apache's httpd.conf file to include the
> above auto-generated file (last line of file)
> 6.  then I restarted both tomcat and apache and apache
> doesn't start.  it says httpd could not start because
> there is an error in the autoconfig file...that
> something is mispelled or defined by a module that is
> not included in the server configuration.
> Can someone please tell me what I have missed or done
> incorrectly, as I am new to all of these
> technologies.....also, once working, how can I make
> sure that tomcat is only being used as the servlet
> container?
> Thanks
> Namrata
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