In previous e-mails, its been mentioned that the User admin
inteface will be implemented using the new WebMacro service.
I'd also like to redo the scheduler interface using the new WM and
remove all the older WM stuff.
However, doing this has a couple ramifications to the Turbine setup.

For Turbine to work out of the box, and the
default.sessionvalidator must be set in the TurbineResources
distibution file to the WebMacroSite service. 
Doing the above will probably push new users of Turbine
to use WebMacro and cause current users to reconfigure a few things
when updating to a newer version of Turbine.

IMO, this forces a change in direction for the Turbine
default presentation mechanism (from ECS to WebMacro).   

Is this a direction we want to move or should we look at a better way
to integrate the two out of the box? 

Either way involves configuration issues/decisions.

Is a vote in order?

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