on 4/26/00 4:13 PM, Gary Bartlett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Note this is my first posting - so I hope I am not doing anything out of
> sorts here.....

not at all!

> I have an Oracle version of the default_roles_permissions.sql script - that
> is to say one that uses NEXTVAL from the various sequences as part of the
> INSERT statements.

Actually...don't use that way...simply make the columns a number. the
org.apache.turbine.util.db.IDBroker will take care of the rest (assuming
that you have also imported/converted the id_table.sql script).

> If this is something that is useful to include in the distribution - how
> would I go about sending it to the Turbine team.

put it up on a website and send us the URL or send it to me in a private

>  I am not that familiar
> with CVS - but am willing to learn (I have the jCVS client).

since you are on win32 i suggest using the www.wincvs.org client instead.

more info on CVS:


> PS - I am just getting to know Turbine - but already think it is pretty
> damn cool.

great! thanks! where did you hear about Turbine?


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