On Fri, Feb 23, 2001 at 03:26:16PM -0000, Magnús Þór Torfason wrote:
> My theoretical scenario was:
> The session ID is NOT cryptographically secure.
> The attacker enters the url for turbine (ssl or not)and gets back a session
> ID.
> He then tries different subtle variations on the session ID, and tries this
> until he hits a session that another user has already created.  He has then
> stolen a session from a legitimate user, without intercepting any
> information sent between the user and server, and without guessing the
> user's password.

There was a big discussion about this on the tomcat-dev list a while
back, which is why they decided to use SecureRandom as the session ID
generator by default, so that valid session IDs should not be guessable.

Sean Legassick
      Je suis un homme: rien d'humain en m'est étranger  

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