Simon, I have also ben looking at a fix for 950 and although it is fairly
straightforward to fix the case in the Jira it gets rather complicated when
you consider properties that are not intended to be part of the sequence (
e.g. attributes but could be element properties that have been set without
using the sequence API).

On 03/12/06, Simon Laws <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 12/3/06, Simon Laws <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been working on a fix for 950 which I managed to complete so that
> could successfully copy a DO tree containing both mixed and open types.
> then applied your fix for 963 and the resulting SDO fails. It happily
> the copy still but won't print out elements in sequences or open typed
> elements from the new DO that results from the copy.

... and this is exactly one of the issues I ran up against!!

Looking at the svn commit for 963 the main change seems to be to the
> SDOXMLWriter.
>                         // Do not write attributes as members of the
> sequence
>                         XSDPropertyInfo* pi =
> seqProp);
>                         PropertyDefinitionImpl propdef;
>                         if (!pi ||
> (pi->getPropertyDefinition().isElement))
>                         {
>                             continue;
>                         }
> I'm not au fait with how property info works but taking a tour round the
> code it seems to be where the DAS keeps extra info derived from the
> that is only used when writing back out to XML. The change finds, from
> property info, those elements that are really attributes and hence only
> writes them as attributes.
> 1/ The first thing that looks a little fishy is "if (!pi ||
> (pi->getPropertyDefinition().isElement))" which looks like it breaks out
> the loop if the property represents an element rather than when it's not
> element. Is this right?

A better test here would be "have we already written this property as an
attribute". The intent here is to only write properties that are explicitly
defined as elements.

Regardless of the correctness of this my copy doesn't work because "!pi"
> is always true after I have copied the sequence. Can you explain to me
> property information is intended to work. I need to know if I should
> anything more than just the instance information. I had thought
> else was in the model and hence I don't need to copy it.

The PropertyInformation is basically a collection of information we remember
from the schema to enable us to serialize it as a schema intended. I believe
we were going to add the ability to add this information programmatically
and this may even have made it into the spec... I need to check.

With the schema:
> <schema xmlns="";
> xmlns:tns=" "
> targetNamespace="";>
> <complexType name="CloneType" mixed="true">
>     <sequence>
>         <element name="test"  type="string"/>
>         <any namespace="##any"/>
>     </sequence>
> </complexType>
> <element name="Clone" type="tns:CloneType"/>
> </schema>
> And the XML document:
> <Clone xmlns="";
>            xmlns:xsi=" "
>            xsi:schemaLocation=" clone.xsd ">
>   abc
>   <test>test</test>
>   def
>   <tests>test</tests>
>   ghi
> </Clone>
> CloneType does have property info associated with it. But neither
> commonj.sdo.String (the type of test) or commonj.sdo.OpenDataObject (the
> type of tests) have property info associated with them once the schema
> been read. Hence it is not present in the model after the copy and the
> writer doesn't write out "test" or "tests".

Types never have PropertyInformation on them... nor will ANY open property
as these, by definition, are not defined by a schema. So this is where my
"fix" for 963 fails as your test and tests properties will never have any pi
associated with them.

My changes (so far) are attached to so you can see them but
also as a backup.

I'll take a look and see how close these are to my intended fix ;-)

I'll also go back and revisit the 963 fix to cope with open types.



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