That's a bug.  The underlying implementation of the two
iterator types you mention is totally different, hence
you see this only in one of them.  Any chance you could
provide a self-contained test case that exhibits this?


Philip Ogren wrote:
> I am having difficulty with using the FSIterator returned by the
> AnnotationIndex.subiterator(AnnotationFS) method.
> The following is a code fragment:
> AnnotationIndex annotationIndex = jCas.getAnnotationIndex(tokenType);
> FSIterator tokenIterator = annotationIndex.subiterator(sentenceAnnotation);
> annotationIterator.moveTo(tokenAnnotation);
> Here is the relevant portion of the stack trace:
>     java.lang.ClassCastException: edu.colorado.cslr.dessert.types.Token
>     at java.util.Collections.indexedBinarySearch(Unknown Source)
>     at java.util.Collections.binarySearch(Unknown Source)
>     at org.apache.uima.cas.impl.Subiterator.moveTo(
> If I change the second line to the following, then I do not have any
> problems with an exception being thrown.
> FSIterator tokenIterator = annotationIndex.iterator();
> Is this a bug or some misunderstanding on my part of how subiterator
> should work?
> Thanks,
> Philip

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