Yes. I will throw one together. Would you mind if I used Groovy for this - or is that going to be annoying? Let me know. Also, from an earlier email I saw on this list it seems that attachments are a problem. Is there some place where I could directly load a test case?

In the mean time, here is a work around I just put together (I'm still unit testing the code that uses this - so I'm not certain this is bug free):

public static FSIterator getWindowIterator(JCas jCas, Annotation windowAnnotation, Type type)
       ConstraintFactory constraintFactory = jCas.getConstraintFactory();
FeaturePath beginFeaturePath = jCas.createFeaturePath();
FSIntConstraint intConstraint = constraintFactory.createIntConstraint();
FSMatchConstraint beginConstraint = constraintFactory.embedConstraint(beginFeaturePath, intConstraint);

       FeaturePath endFeaturePath = jCas.createFeaturePath();
       intConstraint = constraintFactory.createIntConstraint();
FSMatchConstraint endConstraint = constraintFactory.embedConstraint(endFeaturePath, intConstraint);

FSMatchConstraint windowConstraint = constraintFactory.and(beginConstraint,endConstraint);
       FSIndex windowIndex = jCas.getAnnotationIndex(type);
FSIterator windowIterator = jCas.createFilteredIterator(windowIndex.iterator(), windowConstraint);

       return windowIterator;

Thilo Goetz wrote:
That's a bug.  The underlying implementation of the two
iterator types you mention is totally different, hence
you see this only in one of them.  Any chance you could
provide a self-contained test case that exhibits this?


Philip Ogren wrote:
I am having difficulty with using the FSIterator returned by the
AnnotationIndex.subiterator(AnnotationFS) method.
The following is a code fragment:

AnnotationIndex annotationIndex = jCas.getAnnotationIndex(tokenType);
FSIterator tokenIterator = annotationIndex.subiterator(sentenceAnnotation);

Here is the relevant portion of the stack trace:

    java.lang.ClassCastException: edu.colorado.cslr.dessert.types.Token
    at java.util.Collections.indexedBinarySearch(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.Collections.binarySearch(Unknown Source)
    at org.apache.uima.cas.impl.Subiterator.moveTo(

If I change the second line to the following, then I do not have any
problems with an exception being thrown.

FSIterator tokenIterator = annotationIndex.iterator();

Is this a bug or some misunderstanding on my part of how subiterator
should work?


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