> 2. use an orchestration tool, such as Cassandra Reaper, to take care of that 
> for you. You will still need monitor and alert to ensure the repairs are run 
> successfully, but fixing a stuck or failed repair is not very time sensitive, 
> you can usually leave it till Monday morning if it happens at Friday night.
Does anyone know how such a schedule can be created in Cassandra Reaper?

I recently learned the hard way that running both a full and an incremental 
repair for the same keyspace and table in parallel is not a good idea (it 
caused a very unpleasant overload situation on one of our clusters).

At the moment, we have one schedule for the full repairs (every 90 days) and 
another schedule for the incremental repairs (daily). But as full repairs take 
much longer than a day (about a week, in our case), the two schedules collide. 
So, Cassandra Reaper starts an incremental repair while the full repair is 
still in process.

Does anyone know how to avoid this? Optimally, the full repair would be paused 
(no new segments started) for the duration of the incremental repair. The 
second best option would be inhibiting the incremental repair while a full 
repair is in progress.

Best regards,

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