Hi again,

I was thinking this over and tried some stuff. Some questions remain, though:

To 2)
a) I only have used standalone mode yet. What would be the upsides of using 

b) Does an easy way to start Flink (JobManager+TaskManagers) programmatically 
already exist?

c) I tried to build my own StreamingEnvironments (local and remote) to add a 
function for stopping the job. This works quite fine locally. I can just call 
stop()-Method of the FlinkMiniCluster with the given name of the job. To test 
this, I build a streaming topology, execute it, call stop and build a new 
topology and execute it. However,  I couldn’t accomplish the same in an easy 
way for the remote environment. I tried to call the stop()-Method of the client 
with the JobID gained by obtaining the JobGraph from the StreamGraph. But this 
doesn’t seem to work. When I run the test program on my Flink cluster, only the 
first topology is executed. Nothing happens after the first execution is 
finished. So I guess the remote stop()-Method doesn’t work and the second 
execute() is simply ignored. Should the described process of stopping work? Or 
would is it, I’m doing wrong?

Btw, where does the output of a print() source function go in remote execution? 
There is no output in the web frontend (jobmanager/stdout). I guess I have to 
look for a file on the JobManager node? Where and what would be the 

To 3)
What’s the consequence of the Flink jobs not being separated? I guess I 
wouldn’t need to manage more than one cluster setup but could only run one job 
at a time?

Thanks a lot again,

Von: Till Rohrmann [mailto:trohrm...@apache.org]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 2. August 2016 16:27
An: user@flink.apache.org
Betreff: Re: partial savepoints/combining savepoints

Hi Claudia,

1) At the moment the offset information will be written to the ZooKeeper quorum 
used by Kafka as well as to the savepoint. Reading the savepoint is not so easy 
to do since you would need to know the internal representation of the 
savepoint. But you could try to read the Kafka offsets from ZooKeeper.

2) That depends a little bit on the deployment and the size of the job. Are you 
using a yarn session or a standalone cluster? Then the task manager should 
already be registered at the job manager and the deployment for each task 
should be in the milli second range. If you start a new yarn application for a 
flink job (per job cluster), then it might take a bit longer depending on how 
long it takes to allocate the requested resources by Yarn. But once this is 
done, the deployment for a task should be in the sub second range.

3) If you want to keep the different Flink jobs separated, then you should 
submit them separately to a Flink cluster or start a Flink cluster per job 
(e.g. with Yarn). I don't think that this a bad architecture if you want to 
fulfil these requirements. However, I'm not sure whether merging and splitting 
savepoints will be implemented anytime soon.

Actually we're currently working on improving Flink's functionality to be 
started with a dedicated job. This means that you start a job manager which has 
already the job jar in its classpath and directly starts executing the 
contained job. This will be helpful for deployment scenarios how they appear 
when using docker images, for example. I could imagine that this could be 
helpful for your use case as well.


On Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 10:40 PM, Claudia Wegmann 
<c.wegm...@kasasi.de<mailto:c.wegm...@kasasi.de>> wrote:
Hi Till,

thanks for the quick reply. Too bad, I thought I was on the right track with 
savepoints here.

Some follow-up questions:

1.)    Can I do the whole thing of transferring state and the position in the 
Kafka topic manually for one stream? In other words: is this information 
accessible easily?

2.)    In any case I would need to stop the running job, change the topology 
(e.g. the number of streams in the program) and resume processing. Can you name 
the overhead of time coming from stopping and starting a Flink job?

3.)    I’m aware of the upcoming feature for scaling in and out. But I don’t 
quite see, how this will help me with different services.
I thought of each service having its own Flink instance/cluster. I would commit 
this service as one job to the dedicated Flink containing all the necessary 
streams and computations. Is this a bad architecture?
Would it be better to have one big Flink cluster and commit one big Job, which 
contains all the streams? (As I got to know, committing multiple jobs to one 
Flink instance is not recommended).
To be honest, I’m not quite there to totally understand the different 
deployment options of Flink and how to bring them together with a microservice 
architecture where I have a service packed as a JAR-File and wanting to be able 
to just deploy this JAR-File. I thought of this service containing Flink and 
then start the JobManager and some TaskManagers from this service and deploy 
itself as the Flink job with a dedicated entry point. Is this a good idea? Or 
is it even possible?

Thanks in advance,

Von: Till Rohrmann [mailto:trohrm...@apache.org<mailto:trohrm...@apache.org>]
Gesendet: Montag, 1. August 2016 16:21
An: user@flink.apache.org<mailto:user@flink.apache.org>
Betreff: Re: partial savepoints/combining savepoints

Hi Claudia,

unfortunately neither taking partial savepoints nor combining multiple 
savepoints into one savepoint is currently supported by Flink.

However, we're currently working on dynamic scaling which will allow to adjust 
the parallelism of your Flink job. This helps you to scale in/out depending on 
the workload of your job. However, you would only be able to scale within a 
single Flink job and not across Flink jobs.


On Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 9:49 PM, Claudia Wegmann 
<c.wegm...@kasasi.de<mailto:c.wegm...@kasasi.de>> wrote:
Hey everyone,

I’ve got some questions regarding savepoints in Flink. I have the following 

There is a microservice that reads data from Kafka topics, creates Flink 
streams from this data and does different computations/pattern matching 
workloads. If the overall workload for this service becomes too big, I want to 
start a new instance of this service and share the work between the running 
services. To accomplish that, I thought about using Flinks savepoint mechanism. 
But there are some open questions:

1.)    Can I combine two or more savepoints in one program?
Think of two services already running. Now I’m starting up a third service. The 
new one would get savepoints from the already running services. It than would 
continue computation of some streams while the other services would discard 
calculation on these streams now calculated by the new service. So, is it 
possible to combine two or more savepoints in one program?

2.)    Another approach I could think of for accomplishing the introduction of 
a new service would be, to just take a savepoint of the streams that change 
service. Can I only take a savepoint of a part of the running job?
Thanks for your comments and best wishes,

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