Hi there Maxim... sorry to have to annoy you about this again. I decided to do 
a reinstall of the OM 5.0.1 , new database and so on. When I log in with 2 
users, 2 machines etc... sometimes both users can see and hear each other... 
but most times not...sometimes not... unless they disconnect their cams and 
audio and reconnect. This sometimes takes a few attempts. Once a stable 
connection is established... everything is fine.

I used to have things working great on OM 5 M4... and I don’t seem to have done 
any major changes.

I have thought about doing a purge and reinstall of Kurento... any suggestions 
how to do so.

Using Ubuntu 18.04.

Thanks in advance.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 1, 2020, at 8:12 PM, Maxim Solodovnik <solomax...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Denis,
>> On Fri, 2 Oct 2020 at 05:58, Denis Noctor <denisnoc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi there Maxim,
>> Are there a lot of differences between OM 5 M4 and OM 5.0.1 and current 
>> snapshots (regarding general architecture)?
> Yes you have to do import/export
> You can create the new DB (or backup previous DB) to be able to switch back 
> any time
>> As I mentioned in previous emails (regarding the mute issue). I did such an 
>> upgrade but am starting to see a few glitches that I cannot emulate on the 
>> demo servers. Users can see and hear some users but not all and vice 
>> versa... and seems a little random.
> I doubt this can be caused by DB changes
> this behavior was observed on early versions and was caused by the fact users 
> were not notified on their connection issues
> i.e. user A saw his/her picture and was sure everything is Ok with his/her AV 
> streaming while it was broken
> Now connection state is monitored to ensure everything is OK
>>    I am aware of the whole turnserver side of things and I had this working 
>> great on OM 5 M4... and I purged and reinstalled Imagemagick to address the 
>> file conversion problem... but I am wondering if simply upgrading from M4 to 
>> OM 5.0.1 is not the way forward. For example, I reimported my a database 
>> recently from OM 5 M4 and that’s when things started to go a little odd. I 
>> assume that the DB structure is different in 5.0.1 +?
>> As strange as it sounds... it appears that users that were imported from the 
>> old DB don’t “ appear “ to have “major” (the occasional refresh is required) 
>> connectivity issues regarding cams and mics... but most of the new users 
>> that were added do. 😳 I think I will reinstall afresh... and repopulate the 
>> DB manually and see if that makes a difference.
> this part I didn't get :(
>> Before I do I was wondering if anyone was in the same boat etc.
>> All the best,
>> Denis
>> Sent from my iPhone
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Maxim

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