The result of groupByKey is an RDD of K and Iterable[V]. The values
may in fact be ArrayBuffer[V] but this is not guaranteed to you by the
API. Printing it as a String would show it's an ArrayBuffer but not
(necessarily) as far as the types are concerned. And .distinct() is
not a method of Iterable, so that's why you have the error.

You can call Iterable.toSet() instead.

Also you can simplify this with a mapValues call instead, too.

On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 9:09 PM, SK <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a piece of code in which the result of a  groupByKey operation is as
> follows:
> (2013-04, ArrayBuffer(s1, s2, s3, s1, s2, s4))
> The first element is a String value representing a date and the ArrayBuffer
> consists of (non-unique) strings. I want to extract the unique elements of
> the ArrayBuffer. So I am expecting the result to be:
> (2013-04, ArrayBuffer(s1, s2, s3, s4))
> I tried the following:
>   .groupByKey
>   .map(g => (g._1, g,_2.distinct)
> But I get the following  runtime error:
> value distinct is not a member of Iterable[String]
> [error]                    .map(g=> (g._1, g._2.distinct))
> I also  tried g._2.distinct(), but got the same error.
> I looked at the Scala ArrayBuffer documentation and it supports distinct()
> and count() operations.  I am using Spark 1.0.1 and scala 2.10.4.  I would
> like to know how to extract the unique elements of the ArrayBuffer above.
> thanks
> --
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