Your question is a bit confusing..
I assume you have a RDD containing nodes & some meta data (child nodes
maybe) & you are trying to attach another metadata to it (bye array). if
its just same byte array for all nodes you can generate rdd with the count
of nodes & zip the two rdd together, you can also create a (node,
bytearray) combo & join the two rdd together.

Mayur Rustagi
Ph: +1 (760) 203 3257
@mayur_rustagi <>

On Sat, Sep 6, 2014 at 10:51 AM, Deep Pradhan <>

> Hi,
> I have an input file which consists of <stc_node dest_node>
> I have created and RDD consisting of key-value pair where key is the node
> id and the values are the children of that node.
> Now I want to associate a byte with each node. For that I have created a
> byte array.
> Every time I print out the key-value pair in the RDD the key-value pairs
> do not come in the same order. Because of this I am finding it difficult to
> assign the byte values with each node.
> Can anyone help me out in this matter?
> I basically have the following code:
>     val bitarray = Array.fill[Byte](number)(0)
> And I want to assiciate each byte in the array to a node.
> How should I do that?
> Thank You

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