Hi All,

I'm a new Spark (and Hadoop) user and I want to find out if the cluster
resources I am using are feasible for my use-case. The following is a
snippet of code that is causing a OOM exception in the executor after about
125/1000 tasks during the map stage.

> val rdd2 = rdd.join(rdd, numPartitions=1000)
> .map(fp=>((fp._2._1, fp._2._2), 1))
> .reduceByKey((x,y)=>x+y)
> rdd2.count()

Which errors with a stack trace like:

> 15/02/17 16:30:11 ERROR executor.Executor: Exception in task 98.0 in
stage 2.0 (TID 498)
> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
>         at
>         at
>         at
>         at
>         at scala.collection.immutable.List.foreach(List.scala:318)

rdd is a PairRDD of (Int, (Int, Int)). The idea is to get the count of
co-occuring values by key in the dataset, i.e. 'These two numbers occurred
with the same key n times'. I intentionally don't want to filter out
duplicates and reflections. rdd is about 3.6 million records, which has a
size in memory of about 120MB, and results in a 'joined' RDD (before the
reduceByKey stage) of around 460 million records, with a size in memory of
about 35GB.

My cluster setup is as follows. I have 3 nodes, where each node has 2 cores
and about 7.5GB of memory. I'm running Spark on YARN. The driver and
executors are allowed 1280m each and the job has 5 executors and 1 driver.
Additionally, I have set spark.storage.memoryFraction to 0.06, and
spark.shuffle.memoryFraction to 0.65 in the hopes that this would mitigate
the issue. I've also tried increasing the number of partitions after the
join dramatically (up to 15000). Nothing has been effective. Thus, I'm
beginning to suspect I don't have enough resources for the job.

Does anyone have a feeling about what the resource requirements would be
for a use-case like this? I could scale the cluster up if necessary, but
would like to avoid it. I'm willing to accept longer computation times if
that is an option.

Warm Regards,

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