Hi All,


I am running a simple page rank program, but it is slow. And I dig out part
of reason is there is shuffle happen when I call an union action even both
RDD share the same partition:


Below is my test code in spark shell:


import org.apache.spark.HashPartitioner



val beta = 0.8

val numOfPartition = 6

  val links =
>{val part=line.split("\t");

  var ranks = links.mapValues(_ => 1.0)

  var leakedMatrix = links.mapValues(_ => (1.0-beta)).persist


  for (i <- 1 until 2) {

    val contributions = links.join(ranks).flatMap {

      case (pageId, (links, rank)) =>

        links.map(dest => (dest, rank / links.size * beta))


    ranks = contributions.union(leakedMatrix).reduceByKey(_ + _)




In above code, links will join ranks and should preserve the partition, and
leakedMatrix also share the same partition, so I expect there is no shuffle
happen on the contributions.union(leakedMatrix), also on the coming
reduceByKey after that. But finally there is shuffle write for all steps,
map, groupByKey, Union, partitionBy, etc.


I expect there should only happen once on the shuffle then all should local
operation, but the screen shows not, do I have any misunderstanding here?


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