
Trying to run spark ( 1.2.1 built for hdp 2.2) against a yarn cluster
results in the AM failing to start with following error on stderr:
Error: Could not find or load main class
An application id was assigned to the job, but there were no logs.
Note that the spark distribution has not been "installed" on every
host in the cluster and the aforementioned spark build was copied  to
one of the hadoop client hosts in the cluster to launch the
job. Spark-submit was run with --master yarn-client and spark.yarn.jar
was set to the assembly jar from the above distribution. Switching the
spark distribution to the HDP recommended  version
and following the instructions on this page
<http://hortonworks.com/hadoop-tutorial/using-apache-spark-hdp/> did
not fix the problem either. Any idea what may have caused this error ?


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