hi luo,
thanks for your reply in fact I can use hive by spark on my  spark master 
machine, but when I copy my spark files to another machine  and when I want to 
access the hive by spark get the error "Unable to  instantiate 
org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaStoreClient" , I have copy 
hive-site.xml to spark conf directory and I have the authenticated to access 
hive metastore warehouse;

Thanks , Best regards!

------------------ ???????? ------------------
??????: "luohui20001";<luohui20...@sina.com>;
????????: 2015??5??5??(??????) ????9:56
??????: "??"<980548...@qq.com>; "user"<user@spark.apache.org>; 

????: ??????spark Unable to instantiate 

you may need to copy hive-site.xml to your spark conf directory and check your 
hive metastore warehouse setting, and also check if you are authenticated to 
access hive metastore warehouse.



Thanks&amp;Best regards!
???? San.Luo

----- ???????? -----
????????"??" <980548...@qq.com>
????????"user" <user@spark.apache.org>
??????spark Unable to instantiate 
??????2015??05??05?? 08??49??

hi all,
       when i use submit a spark-sql programe to select data from my hive 
database I get an error like this:
User class threw exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to  instantiate 
org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaStoreClient ,what's wrong with my 
spark configure ,thank any help !

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