Hi All,

I am submitting the assembled fat jar file by the command:

bin/spark-submit --jars /spark-streaming-kinesis-asl_2.10-1.3.0.jar --class
com.xxx.Consumer xxxx-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

It reads the data file from kinesis using the stream name defined in a
configuration file. It turns out that it reads the data perfectly fine for
one stream name (i.e. the default), however, if I switch the stream name
and re-submit the jar, it no longer reads the data. From CloudWatch, I can
see that there is data put into the stream and spark is actually sending
get requests as well. However, it doesn't seem to be outputting the data.

Has anyone else encountered a similar issue? Does spark cache the stream
name somewhere? I also have checkpointing enabled as well.

Thanks, Mike.

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