Thank you for the answer, it doesn't seem to work neither (I've not log
into the machine as the spark user, but kinit inside the spark-env script),
and also tried inside the job.

I've notice when I run pyspark that the kerberos token is used for
something, but this same behavior is not presented when I start a worker,
so maybe those aren't think to use kerberos...

On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 12:10 PM, Steve Loughran <>

>  On 15 Jun 2015, at 15:43, Borja Garrido Bear <> wrote:
>  I tried running the job in a standalone cluster and I'm getting this:
> Failed on local exception:
> Client cannot
> authenticate via:[TOKEN, KERBEROS]; Host Details : local host is:
> "worker-node/"; destination host is: "hdfs":9000;
> Both nodes can access the HDFS running spark locally, and have valid kerberos 
> credentials, I know for the moment keytab is not supported for standalone 
> mode, but as long as the tokens I had when initiating the workers and masters 
> are valid this should work, shouldn't it?
> I don't know anything about tokens on standalone. In YARN what we have to
> do is something called "delegation tokens", the client asks (something) for
> tokens granting access to HDFS, and attaches that to the YARN container
> creation request, which is then handed off to the app master, which then
> gets to deal with (a) passing them down to launched workers and (b) dealing
> with token refresh (which is where keytabs come in to play)
>  Why not try sshing in to the worker-node as the spark user and run kinit
> there to see if the problem goes away once you've logged in with Kerberos.
> If that works, you're going to have to automate that process across the
> cluster

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