
It could also be conf/spark-defaults.conf.

11.03.2016 8:07 PM "Cesar Flores" <ces...@gmail.com> napisaƂ(a):

> Right now I know of three different things to pass property parameters to
> the Spark Context. They are:
>    - A) Inside a SparkConf object just before creating the Spark Context
>    - B) During job submission (i.e. --conf spark.driver.memory.memory =
>    2g)
>    - C) By using a specific property file during job submission (i.e.
>    --properties-file somefile.conf)
> My question is: If you specify the same config parameter in more than one
> place *what is the one that will be actually used?*
> *Does the priority order is the same for any property or is property
> dependent?*
> *I am mostly interested in the config parameter
> spark.sql.shuffle.partitions, which I need to modify on the fly to do group
> by clauses depending on the size of my input.*
> Thanks
> --
> Cesar Flores

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