Doh! It would help if I use the email address to send to the list… 


Lets take a step back… 

Which version of Hive? 

Hive recently added transaction support so you have to know your isolation 

Also are you running spark as your execution engine, or are you talking about a 
spark app running w a hive context and then you drop the table from within a 
Hive shell while the spark app is still running? 

And you also have two different things happening… you’re mixing a DDL with a 
query.  How does hive know you have another app reading from the table? 
I mean what happens when you try a select * from foo; and in another shell try 
dropping foo?  and if you want to simulate a m/r job add something like an 
order by 1 clause. 


> On Jun 8, 2016, at 2:36 PM, Michael Segel <> wrote:
> Hi, 
> Lets take a step back… 
> Which version of Hive? 
> Hive recently added transaction support so you have to know your isolation 
> level. 
> Also are you running spark as your execution engine, or are you talking about 
> a spark app running w a hive context and then you drop the table from within 
> a Hive shell while the spark app is still running? 
> You also have two different things happening… you’re mixing a DDL with a 
> query.  How does hive know you have another app reading from the table? 
> I mean what happens when you try a select * from foo; and in another shell 
> try dropping foo?  and if you want to simulate a m/r job add something like 
> an order by 1 clause. 
> -Mike

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