Thanks for the links, is there any english translation for the same?


On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 8:34 AM, Taotao.Li <charles.up...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, Sachin,  here are two posts about the basic concepts about spark:
>    - spark-questions-concepts
>    <http://litaotao.github.io/spark-questions-concepts?s=gmail>
>    - deep-into-spark-exection-model
>    <http://litaotao.github.io/deep-into-spark-exection-model?s=gmail>
> And, I fully recommend databrick's post:
> https://databricks.com/blog/2016/06/22/apache-spark-key-terms-explained.html
> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 1:36 AM, Jean Georges Perrin <j...@jgp.net> wrote:
>> Hey,
>> I love when questions are numbered, it's easier :)
>> 1) Yes (but I am not an expert)
>> 2) You don't control... One of my process is going to 8k tasks, so...
>> 3) Yes, if you have HT, it double. My servers have 12 cores, but HT, so
>> it makes 24.
>> 4) From my understanding: Slave is the logical computational unit and
>> Worker is really the one doing the job.
>> 5) Dunnoh
>> 6) Dunnoh
>> On Jul 20, 2016, at 1:30 PM, Sachin Mittal <sjmit...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was able to build and run my spark application via spark submit.
>> I have understood some of the concepts by going through the resources at
>> https://spark.apache.org but few doubts still remain. I have few
>> specific questions and would be glad if someone could share some light on
>> it.
>> So I submitted the application using spark.master    local[*] and I have
>> a 8 core PC.
>> - What I understand is that application is called as job. Since mine had
>> two stages it gets divided into 2 stages and each stage had number of tasks
>> which ran in parallel.
>> Is this understanding correct.
>> - What I notice is that each stage is further divided into 262 tasks From
>> where did this number 262 came from. Is this configurable. Would increasing
>> this number improve performance.
>> - Also I see that the tasks are run in parallel in set of 8. Is this
>> because I have a 8 core PC.
>> - What is the difference or relation between slave and worker. When I did
>> spark-submit did it start 8 slaves or worker threads?
>> - I see all worker threads running in one single JVM. Is this because I
>> did not start  slaves separately and connect it to a single master cluster
>> manager. If I had done that then each worker would have run in its own JVM.
>> - What is the relationship between worker and executor. Can a worker have
>> more than one executors? If yes then how do we configure that. Does all
>> executor run in the worker JVM and are independent threads.
>> I suppose that is all for now. Would appreciate any response.Will add
>> followup questions if any.
>> Thanks
>> Sachin
> --
> *___________________*
> Quant | Engineer | Boy
> *___________________*
> *blog*:    http://litaotao.github.io
> <http://litaotao.github.io?utm_source=spark_mail>
> *github*: www.github.com/litaotao

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