just looking at a comparision between Matlab and Spark for svd with an
input matrix N

this is matlab code - yes very small matrix!!!!

N =

    2.5903   -0.0416    0.6023
   -0.1236    2.5596    0.7629
    0.0148   -0.0693    0.2490

U =

   -0.3706   -0.9284    0.0273
   -0.9287    0.3708    0.0014
   -0.0114   -0.0248   -0.9996

Spark code

// Breeze to spark
val N1D = N.reshape(1, 9).toArray

// Note I had to transpose array to get correct values with incorrect signs
val V2D = N1D.grouped(3).toArray.transpose

// Then convert the array into a RDD
// val NVecdis = Vectors.dense(N1D.map(x => x.toDouble))
// val V2D = N1D.grouped(3).toArray

val rowlocal = V2D.map{x => Vectors.dense(x)}
val rows = sc.parallelize(rowlocal)
val mat = new RowMatrix(rows)
val mat = new RowMatrix(rows)
val svd = mat.computeSVD(mat.numCols().toInt, computeU=true)


Spark Output - notice the change in sign on the 2nd and 3rd column
-0.3158590633523746   0.9220516369164243   -0.22372713505049768
-0.8822050381939436   -0.3721920780944116  -0.28842213436035985
-0.34920956843045253  0.10627246051309004  0.9309988407367168

And finally some julia code
N  = [2.59031    -0.0416335  0.602295;
-0.123584    2.55964    0.762906;
0.0148463  -0.0693119  0.249017]

svd(N, thin=true)   --- same as matlab
-0.315859  -0.922052   0.223727
-0.882205   0.372192   0.288422
-0.34921   -0.106272  -0.930999

Most likely its an issue with my implementation rather than being a bug
with svd within the spark environment
My spark instance is running locally with a docker container
Any suggestions

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