Hey Nikolay,

I know the approach, but this pretty much doesnt fit the bill for my
usecase wherein each topic needs to be logged / persisted as a separate
hdfs location.

I am looking for something where a streaming context pertains to a topic
and that topic only, and was wondering if I could have them all in parallel
in one app / jar run.


On Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 1:08 PM, Nikolay Zhebet <phpap...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, If you want read several kafka topics in spark-streaming job, you can
> set names of topics splited by coma and after that you can read all
> messages from all topics in one flow:
> val topicMap = topics.split(",").map((_, numThreads.toInt)).toMap
> val lines = KafkaUtils.createStream[String, String, StringDecoder, 
> StringDecoder](ssc, kafkaParams, topicMap, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY).map(_._2)
> After that you can use ".filter" function for splitting your topics and 
> iterate messages separately.
> val orders_paid = lines.filter(x => { x("table_name") == 
> "kismia.orders_paid"})
> orders_paid.foreachRDD( rdd => { ....
> Or you can you you if..else construction for splitting your messages by
> names in foreachRDD:
> lines.foreachRDD((recrdd, time: Time) => {
>    recrdd.foreachPartition(part => {
>       part.foreach(item_row => {
>          if (item_row("table_name") == "kismia.orders_paid") { ...} else if 
> (...) {...}
> ....
> 2016-08-01 9:39 GMT+03:00 Sumit Khanna <sumit.kha...@askme.in>:
>> Any ideas guys? What are the best practices for multiple streams to be
>> processed?
>> I could trace a few Stack overflow comments wherein they better recommend
>> a jar separate for each stream / use case. But that isn't pretty much what
>> I want, as in it's better if one / multiple spark streaming contexts can
>> all be handled well within a single jar.
>> Guys please reply,
>> Awaiting,
>> Thanks,
>> Sumit
>> On Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 12:24 AM, Sumit Khanna <sumit.kha...@askme.in>
>> wrote:
>>> Any ideas on this one guys ?
>>> I can do a sample run but can't be sure of imminent problems if any? How
>>> can I ensure different batchDuration etc etc in here, per StreamingContext.
>>> Thanks,
>>> On Sun, Jul 31, 2016 at 10:50 AM, Sumit Khanna <sumit.kha...@askme.in>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hey,
>>>> Was wondering if I could create multiple spark stream contexts in my
>>>> application (e.g instantiating a worker actor per topic and it has its own
>>>> streaming context its own batch duration everything).
>>>> What are the caveats if any?
>>>> What are the best practices?
>>>> Have googled half heartedly on the same but the air isn't pretty much
>>>> demystified yet. I could skim through something like
>>>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29612726/how-do-you-setup-multiple-spark-streaming-jobs-with-different-batch-durations
>>>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/37006565/multiple-spark-streaming-contexts-on-one-worker
>>>> Thanks in Advance!
>>>> Sumit

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