Looks like your session user does not have the required privileges on the
remote hdfs directory that is holding the hive data. Since you get the
columns, your session is able to read the metadata, so connection to the
remote hiveserver2 is successful. You should be able to find more
troubleshooting information in the remote hiveserver2 log file.

Try with select* limit 10 to keep it simple.


On 8 Jun 2017 6:31 pm, "Даша Ковальчук" <dashakovalchu...@gmail.com> wrote:

The  result is count = 0.

2017-06-08 19:42 GMT+03:00 ayan guha <guha.a...@gmail.com>:

> What is the result of test.count()?
> On Fri, 9 Jun 2017 at 1:41 am, Даша Ковальчук <dashakovalchu...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Thanks for your reply!
>> Yes, I tried this solution and had the same result. Maybe you have
>> another solution or maybe I can execute query in another way on remote
>> cluster?
>> 2017-06-08 18:30 GMT+03:00 Даша Ковальчук <dashakovalchu...@gmail.com>:
>>> Thanks for your reply!
>>> Yes, I tried this solution and had the same result. Maybe you have
>>> another solution or maybe I can execute query in another way on remote
>>> cluster?
>>> 2017-06-08 18:10 GMT+03:00 Vadim Semenov <vadim.seme...@datadoghq.com>:
>>>> Have you tried running a query? something like:
>>>> ```
>>>> test.select("*").limit(10).show()
>>>> ```
>>>> On Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 4:16 AM, Даша Ковальчук <
>>>> dashakovalchu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi guys,
>>>>> I need to execute hive queries on remote hive server from spark, but
>>>>> for some reasons i receive only column names(without data).
>>>>> Data available in table, I checked it via HUE and java jdbc
>>>>>  connection.
>>>>> Here is my code example:
>>>>> val test = spark.read
>>>>>         .option("url", "jdbc:hive2://remote.hive.server:
>>>>> 10000/work_base")
>>>>>         .option("user", "user")
>>>>>         .option("password", "password")
>>>>>         .option("dbtable", "some_table_with_data")
>>>>>         .option("driver", "org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver")
>>>>>         .format("jdbc")
>>>>>         .load()
>>>>> test.show()
>>>>> Scala version: 2.11
>>>>> Spark version: 2.1.0, i also tried 2.1.1
>>>>> Hive version: CDH 5.7 Hive 1.1.1
>>>>> Hive JDBC version: 1.1.1
>>>>> But this problem available on Hive with later versions, too.
>>>>> I didn't find anything in mail group answers and StackOverflow.
>>>>> Could you, please, help me with this issue or could you help me find 
>>>>> correct
>>>>> solution how to query remote hive from spark?
>>>>> Thanks in advance!
>>> --
> Best Regards,
> Ayan Guha

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