Small update, my initial estimate was incorrect. I have one location with
16*4G = 64G parquests (in snappy) + 20 * 5G = 100G parquets. So a total of

I am running on Databricks.
Here are some settings:

-XX:+UseCodeCacheFlushing -Ddatabricks.serviceName=spark-executor-1
-javaagent:/databricks/DatabricksAgent.jar -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal
-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -Xss4m

These are the only relevant setting that I see set when looking at the
logs. I am guessing this means that the others are simply set to default.
Are there any setting I should pay special attention to? (reference is also

My assumption is the the Databricks runtime is already preconfigured with
known best practices (like corse per executor...). Now that I think of it I
need to validate this assumption.

On Thu, Nov 15, 2018 at 9:14 PM Thakrar, Jayesh <> wrote:

> While there is some merit to that thought process, I would steer away from
> premature JVM GC optimization of this kind.
> What are the memory, cpu and other settings (e.g. any JVM/GC settings) for
> the executors and driver?
> So assuming that you are reading about 16 files of say 2-4 GB each, that’s
> about 32-64 GB of (compressed?) data in parquet files.
> Do you have access to the Spark UI – what is the peak memory that you see
> for the executors?
> The UI will also give you the time spent on GC by each executor.
> So even if you completely eliminated all GC, that’s the max time you can
> potentially save.
> *From: *Vitaliy Pisarev <>
> *Date: *Thursday, November 15, 2018 at 1:03 PM
> *To: *Shahbaz <>
> *Cc: *"Thakrar, Jayesh" <>, user <
>>, "" <
> *Subject: *Re: How to address seemingly low core utilization on a spark
> workload?
> Agree, and I will try it. One clarification though: the amount of
> partitions also affects their in memory size. So fewer partitions may
> result in higher memory preassure and Ooms. I think this was the original
> intention.
> So the motivation for partitioning is also to break down volumes yo fit
> the machines.
> Is this premise wrong?
> On Thu, Nov 15, 2018, 19:49 Shahbaz < wrote:
> 30k Sql shuffle partitions is extremely high.Core to Partition is 1 to  1
> ,default value of Sql shuffle partitions is  200 ,set it to 300 or leave it
> to default ,see which one gives best performance,after you do that ,see how
> cores are being used?
> Regards,
> Shahbaz
> On Thu, Nov 15, 2018 at 10:58 PM Vitaliy Pisarev <
>> wrote:
> Oh, regarding and shuffle.partitions being 30k, don't know. I inherited
> the workload from an engineer that is no longer around and am trying to
> make sense of things in general.
> On Thu, Nov 15, 2018 at 7:26 PM Vitaliy Pisarev <
>> wrote:
> The quest is dual:
>    - Increase utilisation- because cores cost money and I want to make
>    sure that if I fully utilise what I pay for. This is very blunt of corse,
>    because there is always i/o and at least some degree of skew. Bottom line
>    is do the same thing over the same time but with fewer (but better
>    utilised) resources.
>    - Reduce runtime by increasing parallelism.
> While not the same, I am looking at these as two sides of the same coin.
> On Thu, Nov 15, 2018 at 6:58 PM Thakrar, Jayesh <
>> wrote:
> For that little data, I find spark.sql.shuffle.partitions = 30000 to be
> very high.
> Any reason for that high value?
> Do you have a baseline observation with the default value?
> Also, enabling the jobgroup and job info through the API and observing
> through the UI will help you understand the code snippets when you have low
> utilization.
> Finally, high utilization does not equate to high efficiency.
> Its very likely that for your workload, you may only need 16-128 executors.
> I would suggest getting the partition count for the various
> datasets/dataframes/rdds in your code by using
> dataset.rdd. getNumPartitions
> I would also suggest doing a number of tests with different number of
> executors too.
> But coming back to the objective behind your quest – are you trying to
> maximize utilization hoping that by having high parallelism will reduce
> your total runtime?
> *From: *Vitaliy Pisarev <>
> *Date: *Thursday, November 15, 2018 at 10:07 AM
> *To: *<>
> *Cc: *user <>, David Markovitz <
> *Subject: *Re: How to address seemingly low core utilization on a spark
> workload?
> I am working with parquets and the metadata reading there is quite fast as
> there are at most 16 files (a couple of gigs each).
> I find it very hard to answer the question: "how many partitions do you
> have?", many spark operations do not preserve partitioning and I have a lot
> of filtering and grouping going on.
> What I *can* say is that I specified spark.sql.shuffle.partitions to
> 30,000.
> I am not worried that there are not enough partitions to keep the cores
> working. Having said that I do see that the high utilisation correlates
> heavily with shuffle read/write. Whereas low utilisation correlates with no
> shuffling.
> This leads me to the conclusion that compared to the amount of shuffling,
> the cluster is doing very little work.
> Question is what can I do about it.
> On Thu, Nov 15, 2018 at 5:29 PM Thakrar, Jayesh <
>> wrote:
> Can you shed more light on what kind of processing you are doing?
> One common pattern that I have seen for active core/executor utilization
> dropping to zero is while reading ORC data and the driver seems (I think)
> to be doing schema validation.
> In my case I would have hundreds of thousands of ORC data files and there
> is dead silence for about 1-2 hours.
> I have tried providing a schema and disabling schema validation while
> reading the ORC data, but that does not seem to help (Spark 2.2.1).
> And as you know, in most cases, there is a linear relationship between
> number of partitions in your data and the concurrently active executors.
> Another thing I would suggest is use the following two API calls/method –
> they will annotate the spark stages and jobs with what is being executed in
> the Spark UI.
> SparkContext.setJobGroup(….)
> SparkContext.setJobDescription(….)
> *From: *Vitaliy Pisarev <>
> *Date: *Thursday, November 15, 2018 at 8:51 AM
> *To: *user <>
> *Cc: *David Markovitz <>
> *Subject: *How to address seemingly low core utilization on a spark
> workload?
> I have a workload that runs on a cluster of 300 cores.
> Below is a plot of the amount of active tasks over time during the
> execution of this workload:
> *Error! Filename not specified.*
> What I deduce is that there are substantial intervals where the cores are
> heavily under-utilised.
> What actions can I take to:
>    - Increase the efficiency (== core utilisation) of the cluster?
>    - Understand the root causes behind the drops in core utilisation?

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