Note that repartitioning helps to increase the number of partitions (and hence to reduce the size of partitions and required executor memory), but subsequent transformations like join will repartition data again with the configured number of partitions (|spark.sql.shuffle.partitions|), virtually undoing the repartitioning, e.g.:

data                    // may have any number of partitions
  .repartition(1000)    // has 1000 partitions
  .join(table)          // has |spark.sql.shuffle.partitions|partitions

If you use RDDs, you need to configure |spark.default.parallelism| rather than |spark.sql.shuffle.partitions|.

Given you have 700GB of data, the default of 200 partitions mean that each partition is 3,5 GB (equivalent of input data) in size. Since increasing executor memory is limited by the available memory, executor memory does not scale for big data. Increasing the number of partitions is the natural way of scaling in Spark land.

Having hundreds of tasks that fail is an indication that you do not suffer from skewed data but from large partitions. Skewed data usually has a few tasks that keep failing.

It is easy to check for skewed data in the Spark UI. Open a stage that has failing tasks and look at the Summary Metrics, e.g.: If the Max number of Shuffle Read Size is way higher than the 75th percentile, than this indicates a poor distribution of the data (or more precise the partitioning key) of this stage.

You can also sort the tasks by the "Shuffle Read Size / Records" column and see if numbers are evenly distributed (ideally).

I hope this helped.


Am 06.01.20 um 06:27 schrieb hemant singh:
You can try repartitioning the data, if it’s a skewed data then you may need to salt the keys for better partitioning. Are you using a coalesce or any other fn which brings the data to lesser nodes. Window function also incurs shuffling that could be an issue.

On Mon, 6 Jan 2020 at 9:49 AM, Rishi Shah < <>> wrote:

    Thanks Hemant, underlying data volume increased from 550GB to
    690GB and now the same job doesn't succeed. I tried incrementing
    executor memory to 20G as well, still fails. I am running this in
    Databricks and start cluster with 20G assigned to
    spark.executor.memory property.

    Also some more information on the job, I have about 4 window
    functions on this dataset before it gets written out.

    Any other ideas?


    On Sun, Jan 5, 2020 at 11:06 PM hemant singh <
    <>> wrote:

        You can try increasing the executor memory, generally this
        error comes when there is not enough memory in individual
        Job is getting completed may be because when tasks are
        re-scheduled it would be going through.


        On Mon, 6 Jan 2020 at 5:47 AM, Rishi Shah
        < <>>

            Hello All,

            One of my jobs, keep getting into this situation where
            100s of tasks keep failing with below error but job
            eventually completes.

            org.apache.spark.memory.SparkOutOfMemoryError: Unable to
            acquire 16384 bytes of memory

            Could someone advice?

-- Regards,

            Rishi Shah

-- Regards,

    Rishi Shah

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