Hello Rachana,

Getting exactly-once semantics on files and making it scale to a very large
number of files are very hard problems to solve. While Structured Streaming
+ built-in file sink solves the exactly-once guarantee that DStreams could
not, it is definitely limited in other ways (scaling in terms of files,
combining batch and streaming writes in the same place, etc). And solving
this problem requires a holistic solution that is arguably beyond the scope
of the Spark project.

There are other projects that are trying to solve this file management
issue. For example, Delta Lake <https://delta.io/>(full disclosure, I am
involved in it) was built to exactly solve this problem - get exactly-once
and ACID guarantees on files, but also scale to handling millions of files.
Please consider it as part of your solution.

On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 9:50 AM Rachana Srivastava
<rachanasrivas...@yahoo.com.invalid> wrote:

> I have written a simple spark structured steaming app to move data from
> Kafka to S3. Found that in order to support exactly-once guarantee spark
> creates _spark_metadata folder, which ends up growing too large as the
> streaming app is SUPPOSE TO run FOREVER. But when the streaming app runs
> for a long time the metadata folder grows so big that we start getting OOM
> errors. Only way to resolve OOM is delete Checkpoint and Metadata folder
> and loose VALUABLE customer data.
> Spark open JIRAs SPARK-24295 and SPARK-29995, SPARK-30462, and SPARK-24295)
> Since Spark Streaming was NOT broken like this. Is Spark Streaming a
> BETTER choice?

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