
while I am running in EMR 6.3.0 (SPARK 3.1.1) a simple query as "SELECT *
FROM <table_name> WHERE <date parition field> > '2021-03-01'" the query is
failing with error:
org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.InvalidObjectException: Unsupported
expression '2021 - 03 - 01' (Service: AWSGlue; Status Code: 400; Error
Code: InvalidInputException; Request ID:
dd3549c2-2eeb-4616-8dc5-5887ba43dd22; Proxy: null)

The above query works fine in all previous versions of SPARK.

Is this the expected behaviour in SPARK 3.1.1? If so can someone please let
me know how to write this query.

Also if this is the expected behaviour I think that a lot of users will
have to make these changes in their existing code making transition to
SPARK 3.1.1 expensive I think.

Gourav Sengupta

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